2023 Ryukoku Lecture: Women Propagating Jodo Shinshu Teaching in Modern Japan  

Gesshin Claire Greenwood  |  March 27, 2023

Our 2023 Ryukoku Lecture is now available for viewing (in Japanese), featuring Profressor Nakanishi Naoki. His talk is on women’s propagation of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in modern Japan. A translation of the lecture is available below.



Development of Modern Japanese Women’s Propagation of  Jodo Shinshu Teaching  

Women Propagating the Jodo Shinshu Teaching in Modern Japan  


Summary of the Lecture 

諸外国に⽐べて、経済や政治等の各分野で⽇本の⼥性進出の⽴ち遅れが指摘されるようになっ て久しい。背景には、圧倒的な男性優位の社会構造があると考えられるが、伝統的仏教宗派の状 況はさらに深刻である。浄⼟真宗本願寺派の場合も、⼥性の住職は全体の 4 パーセント程度にと どまり、⼥性の宗派や教化活動への参画状況が進展する兆しも⾒えない。 

It has long been known that, compared to other developed countries, in Japan women’s  advancement in fields like business and politics lags far behind. The background to this  problem is the social structure of Japan, which overwhelmingly favors men. However, in the  traditional Buddhist denominations, the situation is far worse. In the case of the Jodo Shinshu  Hongwanji-ha, only 4 percent of head priests are women, nor is there any sign of advancement  of women’s participation in other areas such as administrative positions or propagation  activities. 

しかし、戦前の本願寺派は、積極的に⼥性教化者の登⽤に取り組み、⼥性公⺠権(選挙権獲得) 運動を⽀持する姿勢を⽰してきた。その意味で戦前の本願寺派は、⽇本社会の⼥性の地位向上・ 社会進出の先導的役割を果たしていたようにも⾒える。その実情はどのようなものであったのか。 

However, it is also pointed out that during the pre-war period, Honganji-ha had made efforts  to increase the number of women preachers and showed support for the women’s suffrage  movement. In that sense, it might seem that before the war Hongwanji-ha was playing a  leading role in the improvement of women’s status and advancement in Japanese society. But  what was the actual situation of Jodo Shinshu women in the pre-war period? 

本講義では、こうした問題関⼼にもとづき、特に⼥性教化者の登⽤に本願寺派がどのように取 り組んできたか、という点に着⽬したい。 

In this lecture, focusing on such problems, I will pay special attention to how Hongwanji-ha structured its efforts to appoint women to the position of religious preachers.

具体的には、⼥教誨師(⼥性の監獄教誨師)・⼥教⼠(未得度の⼥性化者)・⼥僧侶(⼥性僧侶) という⼥性教化者登⽤の実態、制度成⽴の宗派の事情と歴史的背景とを取り上げ、本願寺派の⼥ 性教化の内実を検証する。また、そこで浮かびあがった問題点の確認を通じて、今⽇の本願寺派 の⼥性教化のあり⽅を考える機縁になればと考えている。 

In particular, I will discuss the history and background of Hongwanji-ha’s establishment of  a system of “women preachers” (josei kyōkasha), creating “women prison chaplains” (jokyōkaishi), “women lay preachers” (jokyōshi), and “women priests” (joseisōryo) to examine the reality of the propagation of Jodo Shinshu by Japanese women within Hongwanji-ha. Reflecting on the problems discovered, I hope this lecture can provide an opportunity for us to  contemplate the actual situation of women’s propagation of the Jodo Shinshu teaching in  today’s Hongwanji-ha. 

1. 近代仏教をめぐる諸問題  

  1. Problems within Modern Japanese Buddhism 

宗派内での⼥性の登⽤の⽴ち遅れは、実は近代仏教の前近代的・閉鎖的あり⽅と無関係ではな い。その意味から、まず近代仏教めぐる問題点を整理しておきたい。 

The reason why women’s advancement within the denomination lags behind is not unrelated to the Edo period system of the “closed society,” which has been carried over into modern  Buddhist organizations. To understand this issue, first I would like to review the pre-modern  structures that remain within modern Japanese Buddhism. 

結論から⾔えば、⽇本の近代仏教は、「近世仏教」の問題点を克服していく⽅向性が希薄であり、 伝統的宗派仏教の改良主義的あり⽅にとどまったということができる。 

Speaking from the conclusion, modern Japanese Buddhism has lacked the will to overcome  the problems associated with “pre-modern Buddhism” and denominations have simply stopped  at reforms to traditional sectarian Buddhism. 

そして、その問題性は、(1)宗派の閉鎖性 (2)僧俗の隔絶の 2 点に集約できると考えられる。 The nature of the problem can be summarized with the following two points; (1) the  closedness of denominations, and (2) the isolation of priests from lay communities. 

(1) 宗派の閉鎖性の問題 

Problem of the Closedness of Denominations 

江⼾時代の幕藩体制では、各藩の交流を規制・遮断し、地域的に分断することで⽀配の強化が 図られてきた。そして、仏教宗派の統制に関しても同様に分断政策が採⽤された。 Under the shogunal ruling system of the Edo period, communications between local domains  were restricted or blocked in order to strengthen the shogunate’s power to control local domains  by enforcing regional divisions. This division policy was also applied to Buddhist  denominations in order to control the religious organizations. 

幕府の仏教統制は、本⼭と末寺をつなぐ本末制度と、末寺と檀家とを結ぶ寺檀制度から成り⽴ っており、この関係を固定化することで、宗派間の交流・協⼒関係が分断・遮断されてきたので ある。 

The shogunate’s policy for controlling the Buddhist denominations included the main temple–branch temple system (hon-matsu seido) to create the relationship between the head  temple and local branch temples within a denomination, and the temple registration system  (jidan seido) to link people with local temples. By forcibly creating the relationship between  temples and local residents, inter-denominational exchange and cooperation were severed and  terminated. 

この⼆つの制度により、仏教勢⼒が結束して反体制的⾏動を起こす可能性が低下するだけでな く、仏教宗派側にも宗派運営の基盤を固定・安定化させるというメリットがあった。しかし、宗 派間の交流がなくなったことで、宗派の閉鎖性は強まり、また新たな布教をする必要性も薄れて いった。 

Under these two systems, not only was the possibility for Buddhist denominations to come together to rebel against the established political power greatly reduced, but the Buddhist  denominations also benefitted by having a stable economic and administrative foundation.  However, with the elimination of inter-denominational exchanges, Buddhist denominations became more closed and inward-looking, and the necessity to propagate to attract new  members diminished. 

こうした宗派の閉鎖性に⽇本仏教のあり⽅が拍⾞をかけた点も否定できない。世界仏教のなか でも、東南アジアの上座仏教は戒統をもとに、中国仏教は学系により宗派が成⽴しているが、相 互の宗派で交流や協⼒関係、兼学も⾏われてきた。これに対して教義を中⼼に成⽴する⽇本仏教

の宗派では、宗派間の交流・兼学の機運は乏しく、他宗派のことにも無関⼼である。 The pre-existing sectarian nature of Japanese Buddhism was also a factor in the  development of the closedness of the denominations. Among the world Buddhist traditions,  Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia uses the traditional Buddhist precepts to determine  sectarian affiliation, and Chinese Buddhist schools are defined by scholastic linages, but interactive exchanges, cooperation, and study between linages are very common. In contrast,  in Japanese Buddhist traditions, which are separated by differences in doctrinal interpretation,  there are few chances for inter-denominational exchanges or education, and Buddhist priests  have no interest in the teachings of other Buddhist denominations. 

⽇本仏教のなかでも、中国に由来する宗派(南都六宗・天台宗・真⾔宗)では⼋宗兼学という ことが成⽴する。これら宗派では、⼀切経のなかから所依の経典を選択するが、他の経典もそれ に⾄る前段階の経典と位置付け、序列化する(教相判釈)。いわば所依の経典を BEST と考える のであるが、所依以外の経典や教義の学びが放棄されたわけではない。 

In Japanese Buddhism, the Buddhist schools originating from the Chinese traditions (such  as the six Nara schools, as well as Tendai and Shingon) participate in the inter-denominational  education of the eight schools (hasshu kengaku). Each of these schools was established by  selecting Buddhist scriptures suited to their method of practice while also classifying other  scriptures as belonging to lower and preliminary stages of practice (kyōsō hanjaku). In other  words, they consider the scriptures fundamental to their own schools as the best, but they do  not abandon studying other Buddhist scriptures and teachings. 

これに対して⽇本独⾃に成⽴した宗派は教義の相違に基づくものであり、例えば浄⼟宗は、専 修念仏を旨とし、浄⼟⾨と聖道⾨の廃⽴が⾏われる。いわば念仏・浄⼟三部経 only なのであり、 他の経典は除外されるのである。曹洞宗においても只管打坐、つまり禅 only である。さらに⽇蓮 宗に⾄っては、四箇格⾔(「真⾔亡国 禅天魔 念仏無間 律国賊」)に代表されるように、他宗 派への攻撃性は強い。 

On the other hand, the Buddhist schools founded in Japan were established due to differences of doctrinal understanding of Buddhism. For example, the main tenets of the  teaching of the Jōdo-shū is the exclusive practice of nembutsu and that non-Pure Land  teachings (shōdō-mon) should be discarded. That is, since this school focuses on “nembutsu only” and the three Pure Land sutras, it discards all other scriptures. In the Sōtō Zen-shū as  well, the practice is just sitting, or “Zen only.” Meanwhile, Nichiren-shū has a tendency to  aggressively criticize other Buddhist schools, as is represented in Nichiren’s Four Dictims  (Shingon Buddhism as a threat to the nation, Zen Buddhism as the work of the devil, Nenbutsu 

Buddhism as infernal doctrine and Ritsu Buddhism as an act of treason). 

こうした宗派のあり⽅と、江⼾時代の分断政策があいまって、他宗派との交流を⽋き、宗派閉 鎖性が強く、⼀⾯独善的傾向の強い⽇本仏教の性格が形作られた。 

This trend toward a singular focus and disregard for others’ teachings, combined with the  Shogunate’s policy to divide and control Buddhism during the Edo period, led to the loss of inter-denominational relationships, resulting in the closed, sectarian, and self-righteous  character of Japanese Buddhism. 

近代に⼊り本末制度は⼀応廃⽌となったが、政府(内務省)が宗派の代表者を管⻑として統制 する近代管⻑制度が成⽴した。管⻑は届出制であったが、時に政府は宗派に⼲渉することもあり、 宗派側も管⻑を頂点に教団の統制を強化する⽴場をとった。現⾏の法⼈法でも、宗教法⼈にのみ 包括法⼈が認められているのは、その名残りとも⾔えよう。 

In the modern period, the main temple–branch temple system was terminated. In its place,  the chief abbot system (kanchō seido) was introduced, and the government tried to control  religious affairs through the abbots who represented each Buddhist denomination. In general,  the chief abbot was chosen by the school itself, and the government was notified of the choice.  However, the government sometimes interfered in the internal process of the selection of the  chief abbot. Buddhist denominations also used the status of chief abbot as the top of the  organization to strengthen control over member temples. Under contemporary Japanese  corporate law, the status of the comprehensive corporation (hōkatsu hōjin) is preserved only  for religious corporations, which seems to be a legacy of this system introduced in the modern  period. 

⼀⽅、寺檀制度は廃⽌となったが、「家の宗旨」の慣習として存続した。⽇本の近代化では、社 会保障費を抑制する意味から、前近代的な⾎縁地縁にもとづく相互扶助の機能の温存が図られた。 「半封建的近代化」と呼ばれるゆえんである。その結果、寺檀制度が廃⽌されても、先祖代々の 

家の宗旨は継承され、先祖の回忌法要を営むあり⽅にも⼤きな変化はなかったのである。しかし、 その後、戦後の新⺠法成⽴、⾼度成⻑期などを経て、イエ制度や地域共同体の動揺とともに、次 第に解体しつつあり、まさに現在、崩壊の⼀歩⼿前と⾔っても過⾔ではない状況に⽴ち⾄ってい る。 

On the other hand, although the temple registration system was officially abolished, it has  remained the custom for each family to maintain a tie with one Buddhist temple as the “family’s teaching.” In the process of modernizing Japanese society, the government also 

wished to maintain the social function of mutual aid within communities based in pre-modern  notions of the blood relations and community connections (ketsuen chien) to curb the cost of  social welfare—thus it is sometimes described as “semi-feudal modernity.” As a result, even  after the termination of the main temple–branch temple system, Buddhism has been  maintained as the family’s ancestral teaching, and there have been no major changes in the  systematic practice of ancestral memorial service. However, with the enactment of the new  civil code after WWII and the following high-growth period in Japan, the foundations of the  traditional family structure and local communities have been gradually dismantled, and  currently it is not an exaggeration to say that they are on the brink of collapse. 

(2) 僧俗隔絶の問題 

Problem of the Isolation of Priests from Lay Communities 

江⼾時代の幕藩体制では、世襲の職業により厳格な⾝分制度(⼠農⼯商、被差別⺠)をしくこ とで⽀配の強化が図られた。そして、同時に僧侶と俗⼈との⽴場も厳格に峻別された。能化(布 教する側)である僧侶以外に、所化(布教される側)である俗⼈が布教活動を⾏うことは厳禁さ れていた。 

Under the Edo-period shogunal system, the government control of people was strengthened by implementing a class-status system (samurais, farmers, artisans, merchants, plus the social discriminated classes) that was more severe than the custom of hereditary occupations.  At the same time, the status of priests was strictly separated from lay persons. Priests were  allowed to act as providers of teachings (nōke), but lay persons were limited to being recipients  of teachings (shoke), and the propagation of teachings by lay persons was strictly prohibited. 

僧侶と俗⼈の⽴場の違いを厳格にすることで、僧俗が⼀体となった宗教⾏動を抑え込むねらい があったと考えられる。それは、戦国時代に⼀向⼀揆のような反体制的宗教⾏動の対応に腐⼼し た経験をふまえてのことであったと考えられる。 

By strictly distinguishing the status of priests and laity, it seems that the government was  trying to prevent the religious activism that might occur when priests and the lay community  were united. The shogunate’s policy was undoubtedly made in consideration of the difficulties  encountered in responding to the anti-government religious uprisings of the Shinshū followers  (ikko ikki) during the Warring States period. 

このように江⼾時代、能化と所化のあり⽅は固定されるとともに、布教⽅法も説法以外の布教 ⽅法は異端視された。説教以外の宗教⾏動は、秩序維持を重視する為政者にとって好ましいもの


In addition to distinguishing the statuses of priests and laity, in the Edo period the manner  of Buddhist propagation was delimited, and anything other than oral preaching by priests  were regarded as heretical. For the ruling class who wanted to maintain the status quo of  society, religious activities other than oral preaching were not looked upon favorably. 

ところが、近代に⼊ってこの関係は流動化し、特に所化のあり⽅は多様化していった。職業や 居住地を選択することが⾃由となり、都市に流⼊する労働者も増加した。社会⽣活の場も多様化 し、学校・職場・病院・軍隊・監獄・海外などでの布教、⻘少年・⼥性など年齢・性別による信者 の組織化が必要となった。農村社会で地域共同体の⼀員である累代の⾨徒を対象とする布教体制 は次第に動揺していったのである。 

However, in the modern period the priest–laity relationship became more fluid, especially  as the lifestyle of lay persons diversified. Common people were now able to choose their own  occupations and where to live, and more workers flowed into the large cities. With the  diversification of social life, it became necessary to have propagation activities for schools, work  places, hospitals, prisons, and overseas missions, as well as organizations for followers based  on gender and age. The traditional system of propagation directed toward successive  generations of followers within rural communities was gradually becoming irrelevant. 

布教⽅法に関しても、説法以外に様々な布教アイテムが登場した。⽂書伝道・仏教唱歌・幻灯・ 活動写真・ラジオ・レコード・電話。広い意味では、学校教育や社会事業等の付帯事業への取り 組みもはじまった。 

Preaching methods were also affected by modernization. In addition to the traditional  method of oral preaching, new tools for propagation were introduced, such as letters, Buddhist  songs, slide projectors, movies, radio, phonograph records, and telephones. In a broader sense,  Buddhist denominations also started expanding their outreach efforts by establishing  educational institutions or introducing social service programs. 

こうして、従来の⽣まれながらに所属の宗派・末寺が決まった聴衆(累代の⾨徒、多くは地域 村落の農⺠)を相⼿にする布教(⼀般布教・経常布教)だけではなく、多様な所化・布教⽅法を駆 使し、新たな信徒を獲得するための布教が必要となり、こうした布教は「特殊布教」と呼ばれる ようになった。「布教」に類する⽤語も変遷し、これに対応した規程も制定された。 

In addition to the traditional preaching—termed “general propagation” (ippan fukyō) or  “ordinary propagation” (keijō fukyō)—for the fixed audience of families affiliated with temples 

(hereditary members, typically those in rural farming communities), Buddhist denominations  had to develop new propagation programs using diverse methods—called “special propagation”  (tokushu fukyō)—to attract people in this new diverse audience. Technical terms used to define  “propagation” (fukyō) were thus also transformed, and in response to this, new guidelines were 


  • 「布教⽤語の」通例化 
  • Standardization of terminology for “propagation”  

明治期になり、教化を意味する⽤語は「法談」「説法」から「布教」が主となる。 During the Meiji period, the new Japanese word fukyō became the standard term for  propagation activities, replacing hōdan (Dharma discussion), or seppō (preaching the Dharma). 

  • 法談・説教=能化の側とその説法内容を念頭に置き、所化側のあり様をあまり配慮した⽤語で はない 
  • Hōdan, sekkyō: “Dharma discussion,” “preaching the Dharma”; these terms primarily focus  on the content of preaching from the perspective of the preacher (nōke), with little concern for the situation of those receiving the preaching (shoke).  
  • 布教=教説の広まり、所化側への浸透を意識した⽤語 
  • fukyō: “spreading the teaching”; this term shows consciousness of how the teaching spreads in society and how it is received by the audience. 
  • 伝道=教説だけではなく、所化側の⼈格形成への影響を意識した⽤語(戦後、⼀般化) Dendō: “transmitting the way”; this term expresses concern not only for the teaching but  also for how the teaching can affect the personal development of the audience (use of this  term becomes popular after WWII). 
  • 本願寺派「内国布教規程」(1921 ⼤正 10 6 ⽉) 

> For Japanese texts, see Japanese handout 

第2条 特殊布教とは軍隊、刑務所、⼯場、商店等に対する布教及映画⽂書等に依る布教 を総称す 

第3条 常例布教とは本⼭⼜は地⽅に於ける常例の布教機関に対し随時巡回施⾏する布教 を総称す

第4条 臨時布教とは特定の期間特定の地域に於て臨時に開設する特殊の布教を総称す 

しかし、能化のあり⽅には⼤きな変化はなかった。相変わらず、能化(住職・僧侶)のマンパワ ーに依拠する布教が展開されてきたのである。そうしたなかで、⼥性教化者の登⽤がほとんど唯 ⼀の例外であったと⾔えよう。さらに今⽇でも、⼥性の登⽤は、「近世仏教」以来の宗派閉鎖性・ 僧俗の隔絶の問題克服を⽰す⼀種の試⾦⽯となっていると⾔えるのかもしれない。 

However, there was no drastic change in the status of Buddhist preachers. Traditional oral  propagation methods relying on the talent of resident priests continued as usual. The only exception was the appointment of women preachers. Perhaps, even today, the promotion of  women is a touchstone issue for Buddhist denominations to prove that they are trying to overcome the problems of sectarian closedness and the isolation of priests from lay  communities that remain from pre-modern Japanese Buddhism. 


  1. Appointment of Women Prison Chaplains  

1908 年に本願寺派は、⼥性教誨師の養成・任⽤に着⼿した。背景には、監獄(刑務所)に関す る法制度が変わり、男⼥の収容施設を別にすることとなり、⾏政の側(監獄局)から要請があっ たことがあげられる。また、⽇露戦争を機縁として、籌⼦裏⽅(⼤⾕光瑞法主夫⼈)を中⼼とす る婦⼈会活動の⾼まりも、宗派内⼥性の地位向上を後押しした。 

In 1908, Hongwanji-ha administration decided to start a program to train and appoint  women prison chaplains. Behind this move were changes in the legal system creating separate prisons for men and women, followed by requests from the government’s bureau of corrections for chaplains for the new facilities. Additionally, in relation to the Russo-Japanese War, the  activities of women’s associations increased led by Kazuko Otani, the wife of the Abbot Kōzui  Otani, which also helped boost women’s status within the Hongwanji organization. 

しかし、⼥性の監獄教誨師に対しては、宗派内でもの強い批判があった。また、その待遇上の 問題もあり、宗派内でその改善に積極的措置が講じられなかったため、戦前期を通じて数名の任 ⽤にとどまった。 

However, the women prison chaplains faced strong criticism from within Hongwanji. Since  there were problems in the working conditions for women chaplains, and the Hongwanji  administration did not actively try to improve the situation, in the end only a few women were  appointed as chaplains before WWII.

> For Japanese texts, see Japanese handout 


02)同、⼥性の教誨師登⽤を疑問視する記事、筆者の安藤鉄腸(正純)は⼤⾕派僧侶で、後の ⽂部⼤⾂ 

03)本願寺派機関誌『教海⼀瀾』(現『本願寺新報』)の⼥性教誨師の募集広告 (04)⼥性教誨師の必要性を主張する『教海⼀瀾』の社説 



08) 上記に反論する⼥性教誨の投書 

  1. 教⼠・⼥教⼠制度の創設  
  2. Establishment of the lay teachers (kyōshi) and lay women teachers (jokyōshi) system 

1909 年に本願寺派は、俗⼈と⼥性を教化者に登⽤する教⼠・⼥教⼠制度を創設した。背景には、 ⽇露戦争後に軍需産業の拡張により都市労働者が増加し、これへの対応に迫られたことがあった。 In 1909, Hongwanji-ha established the kyōshi and jokyōshi system to appoint lay persons  including women as lay teachers. This occurred in part as a response to the increasing numbers of urban laborers who were drawn to cities due to the expansion of defense related industries  after the Russo-Japanese War. 

しかし、その制度を問題視する主張も根強くあり、結局、教⼠・⼥教⼠の任⽤は⼤きな広がり とならなかった。 

However, within Hongwanji some strongly viewed the lay teacher system as problematic, and the appointment of lay teachers and lay women teachers was not widely implemented. 

> For Japanese texts, see Japanese handout 



03)本願寺派の広報紙「本⼭録事」に掲載された教⼠・⼥教⼠に関する規定 (04)教⼠制度が画期的であり重要であることを説く『教海⼀瀾』の社説 

05)教⼠制度が導⼊されれば、宗派の統制に混乱が⽣ずると主張する『中外⽇報』の記事 (06)⼥教⼠制度が導⼊されれば、真宗宗意が乱れると主張する『中外⽇報』の記事 (07)内務⼤⾂の側も教⼠制度に難⾊を⽰したと報じる『中外⽇報』の記事




  1. Expanding the Lay Women Teachers System and Changing Attitudes 

⼥性の教化者「⼥教⼠」制度には、創設当初から根強い批判があり、あまり任⽤がすすまなか った。しかし、1920 年に⼊ると、少し状況に変化が⽣じ始めた。その背景には、第⼀次世界⼤戦 後、欧⽶で⼥性の社会進出が顕著となり、その状況が⽇本へも伝えられたこともあった。⽇本国 内でも戦時中の経済的な進展により「職業婦⼈」が増加し、⼥性の社会的地位向上を求める運動 も活発化した。 

From its inception, there was strong criticism of the lay women teachers (jokyōshi) system,  and the program made no significant progress. However, in the 1920s, the situation slowly  began to change. After World War I, in Europe and America women made significant advancements in society, and this situation influenced Japan. Within Japanese society, due to  economic growth during the war, the number of working women increased, and movements  calling for the empowerment of women in society grew more vocal.  

本願寺派も、京都⼥⼦⾼等専⾨学校(現京都⼥⼦⼤学)や社会事業研究所⼥⼦部を設⽴し、⼥⼦教 育や⼥性の職業訓練の事業に着⼿した。さらに⼥教⼠の任⽤にも積極的姿勢を⽰しはじめた。 At this time Hongwanji-ha founded Kyoto Women’s Technical College (Kyoto joshi kōtō senmon gakkō, now Kyoto Women’s University), established a women’s department at the  Research Center for Social Work Studies (Shakai jigyō kenkyūsho), and developed women’s  education and job training programs. They also began to demonstrate a positive attitude  toward appointing lay women teachers. 

1922 12 10 ⽇には、第 1 回⼥教⼠講習会が開催され、翌年の⽴教開宗 700 年法要では、 本願寺境内にテントが特設され、⼥教⼠による布教活動が展開された。 

On Dec. 10, 1922, the first training seminar for lay women teachers was held at Hongwanji,  and the next year a special tent promoting the lay women teachers program was set inside of  the temple grounds during the 700th commemoration service for the founding of Jōdo Shinshū. 

しかし、その背景には 1922 年に全国⽔平社が創⽴され、本願寺派の部落差別撤廃に後ろ向きな 姿勢を批判したこともあったと考えられる。創⽴直後に⽔平社は、東⻄本願寺に向後 20 年間の募


財拒否を通告した。このように社会問題への姿勢に関して厳しい批判にさらされた本願寺派は、 ⼥性の積極的登⽤策によって、その批判をかわそうとする⼀⾯もあっと考えられる。 However, this change in attitude was perhaps spurred due to another development. In 1922  the newly established National Levelers’ Association (Zenkoku suiheisha) criticized Hongwanji  for its backward-leaning attitude toward the elimination of buraku discrimination.  Immediately after its establishment, the association notified both East and West Hongwanji that they refused to participate in any fundraising activities for the next 20 years. Facing these  severe calls for change on social issues, Hongwanji-ha may have been trying to dodge this criticism by showing support for women’s social advancement. 

いずれにせよ、⼥教⼠の積極的任⽤策が⼥性⾃⾝の意識変⾰を促し、婦⼈会活動も活発化した。 その中⼼には九条武⼦(⼤⾕光瑞の実妹)がいた。武⼦は男⼥同権の実現に強い意欲を⽰し、や がて仏教婦⼈会による⼥性公⺠権運動(参政権運動)が展開されていったのである。 

Whatever the case, Hongwanji-ha’s promotion of lay women teachers encouraged reformist  thinking among women themselves, and the Buddhist women’s association became more active.  At the center of women’s activism was Takeko Kujō (whose brother was the Abbot Kōzui Ōtani).  Kujō was a strong supporter of gender equality in Japanese society, and the Buddhist women’s  association was instrumental in promoting the women’s civil rights movement (women’s  suffrage movement) in Japan. 

> For Japanese texts, see Japanese handout 

01)本願寺派仏教婦⼈会連合本部機関誌『婦⼈』掲載の論説。⼥性の意識啓発の必要性を主張 (02)『中外⽇報』の記事。⽇本⼈の海外進出に対応し、⼥教⼠を養成しようとする動向を伝える。 (03)サンフランシスコでの⼥教⼠養成計画を伝える『教海⼀瀾』の記事。 

04)『教海⼀瀾』に掲載されたカナダ・バンクバで活躍した⼥教⼠の死亡記事。 海外でも⼥教⼠の必要性は⾼まり、実際に活躍した⼥性もいた。 


06)⽴教開宗 700 年法要での⼥教⼠の活動に関する『教海⼀瀾』の記事 


08)『婦⼈』掲載の⼥教⼠のエッセイ。⼥性教化者としての役割を強く⾃覚 (09)『婦⼈』掲載の⼥教⼠のエッセイ。⼥性宗務員の登⽤など教団改⾰を主張 (10)『中外⽇報』「⼥教⼠評判記」。⼥教⼠のあり⽅を揶揄した批判的記事



  1. The Women’s Civil Rights Movement and the Emergence of Women Priests  

1920 年代後半(昭和)に⼊って、派内の⼥性の社会進出への期待はさらに増⼤し、仏教婦⼈会 の⼥性公⺠権運動も⾼揚した。本願寺派もこれを⽀持する姿勢を⽰した。しかし、その背景には 組織的⼥性票をもって宗派の社会影響⼒を⾼める意図も存在していた。結局、⼥性の参政権は認 められることなく、1931 年に⼥性僧侶制度が創設されたものの、出征する住職の補助的役割にと どまった。 

During the late 1920s, expectations rose for the social advancement of women within  Hongwanji, boosting morale within the Buddhist women’s association suffrage movement. The  Hongwanji-ha administration also showed support for the movement—perhaps because they  thought they would be able to expand Hongwanji’s social influence by making use of the 

women’s voting block. In the end, the national parliament did not pass the proposal for  women’s suffrage. Although Hongwanji-ha initiated the ordination of women in 1931, women  priests’ status was limited to simply filling the vacancy when the male head priest was serving  in the war. 

こうしたなか、宗派内では、男⼥役割分担論が台頭していった。結局、⼥性僧侶は、戦地へと 向かう住職の留守を守る役割に中⼼が置かれ、あくまで⼥性僧侶は男性住職に従属する役割しか 付与されなかったのである。 

Under these circumstances, within Hongwanji-ha the idea of the gender division of labor  gradually gained support. As a result, the central function of ordained women priests became looking after the temple while the head priest was in military service, and their role was  subordinate to male priests. 

> For Japanese texts, see Japanese handout 


02)『婦⼈』掲載論説。同上。筆者の内⽥晄融は元北⽶開教総⻑、帰国後に教学部⻑・布教研 究所所⻑などの要職を歴任。(03)『婦⼈』掲載、九条武⼦の論説。男⼥同権論を主張し、 ⼥性参政権の必要性も論究。 

04)婦⼈賛成運動の推進を決議した本派全国仏教婦⼈会部⼤会の記事。『婦⼈』掲載 (05)『婦⼈』掲載の内⽥晄融の論説。⼥性参政権を当然のこととして⽀持


061924 年の普通選挙法成⽴の際の『中外⽇報』の⼤⾕尊由へのインタビュー記事。⼤⾕尊 由は⼤⾕光瑞の実弟で、当時本願寺派管⻑代理。後に貴族院議員となり拓務⼤⾂(植⺠地所 轄の⼤⾂)をつとめた。尊由は⼥性の参政権が認められれば、その組織票で多くの議員を当 選させることができると主張 

本願寺派仏教婦⼈会の参政権運動が活発であったころ、本願寺派は男性と同等の⼥性僧侶の制 度を構想していた。しかし、貴族院で否決され、その実現が阻まれると、状況は⼀転した。 When the Buddhist women’s association’s work on the suffrage movement had been on the  upsurge, Hongwanji-ha was drawing up a plan to ordain women priests with an equal status  to their male counterparts. However, once the proposal to grant the vote to women failed in the House of Lords, Hongwanji’s position also changed quickly.  

> For Japanese texts, see Japanese handout 

07)『婦⼈』掲載の内⽥晄融の論説。男⼥同権論から「男⼥の差別を認めたる平等観」に変化 (08)本願寺派の広報紙「本⼭録事」に掲載された⼥僧侶に関する規定 

09)⼥僧侶に関する『教海⼀瀾』の論説。制度に男⼥差があることを認めつつ、⼥性に宗派へ の貢献を要求 



11)戦時中の本願寺派管事会(現教務所⻑会議)に関する『中外⽇報』の記事。⼥教⼠や⼥僧 侶の廃⽌提案も提起された。 



結局のところ、積極的のようにも⾒える戦前の本願寺派の⼥性教化登⽤施策も、宗派の勢⼒拡 ⼤や社会へのアピール材料として⾏われる傾向の強いものであった。あくまで、男性中⼼とする 宗派権益の拡⼤が主眼にあり、⼥性の登⽤・地位向上はその⼿段でしかなかったのである。 

In the end, Hongwanji-ha’s pre-WWII policies to appoint women to propagational roles,  which at first glance appear to be a positive development for women, were simply part of the  strategy for sectarian power expansion and a ploy to appeal to society. The real purpose of  these efforts was, after all, the expansion of male-centered sectarian interests; the elevation of  women’s status was nothing but a means to this end.


そうした傾向が明らかになっていったことが、戦後の婦⼈会活動・⼥性教化活動の低迷につな がったと考えられ、戦後、⼥性の宗派内の進出はほとんど進展することがなかった。 As this truth became evident, the activities of Hongwanji’s Buddhist women’s association  and women’s participation in propagation declined after WWII. As a result, the advancement  of women within the denomination has hardly progressed at all. 

本願寺が⼥性の登⽤・地位向上に関して、表⾯上、最も積極的施策を打ち出していたさなか、 九条武⼦は次のような歌を残している。 

During the time when Hongwanji-ha was at least ostensibly promoting women’s  advancement, Takeko Kujō wrote the following poem. 

九條武⼦「鍵もつものは」(『⼥性』第 3 巻第 1 号、1923 1 1 ⽇) 

⽣きかひも死にかひもなし をみな⼦の王国の名を厨といふや (厨とは台所のこ と) 

鍵もつ汝男そ閉ぢこめて いたはり顔もをかしからすや 

鍵もちて扉背にして男⼦はいふ 今や⼥は放たれたりと 

⼥達おそれてゆかぬ道あらは われに教へよゆくへしわれは 

くろかねのこの扉敗らむ巨⼈来よ 無智の⼥か千年の牢 

“To the One Who Holds the Key” 

There is nothing to live for, nothing to die for in the kingdom of women called  the kitchen. 

The one who holds the key is, you, the man, who locks us up in here, and then shows up with a smiling face to comfort us. 

Holding the key and standing behind the door, the man says, “Women are  liberated now!” 

Women, if there is a passage through which you dare not proceed, tell me and I  will come. 

Come on, you giant, who can destroy this black iron door, this thousand-year  old jail for ignorant women. 




In this poem, Takeko laments the reality of women being subordinated to men, with no sign  of actual women’s liberation in any real sense.  

現在の⼥性解放に関する本願寺派の状況は、武⼦の歌の当時から⼀歩も進展していない。いや、 後退しているとさえ⾔えるのかもしれない。 

The current situation within Hongwanji regarding women’s liberation has not progressed since the time Takeko wrote this poem. I am afraid that it may have even regressed since then.