Fifth Annual Memorial Service
M. Editor | October 30, 2017
The Institute of Buddhist Studies conducted its 5th Annual Memorial Service on October 26, 1917 at 7 p.m. at the Jodo Shinshu Center Kodo, Berkeley, CA., to honor 106 founders, donors, leaders, teachers, student, staff and friends, who have shared a common wish that IBS would play a vital role in the propagation of the Jodo Shinshu teaching throughout the world.
The service officiant was Bishop Kodo Umezu, Buddhist Churches America, with Rev. Patricia Usuki, IBS Trustee, program chairperson, who opened the service with opening remarks. Rev. Jerry Hirano, IBS Trustee, read the names of those honored.
Sutra Chanting began with “Sanbujo”, “Hyobyakumon,” and the “Bussetsu Amidakyo.,”and Three Treasures.
The Dharma Message was given by Rev. Dr. David Matsumoto, IBS Provost. He stated, “Since the founding in 1949 as the Buddhist Study Center and throughout its 68-year history, the IBS has received the support and guidance of a great many persons. We have gathered together this evening to honor their aspiration as we remember in gratitude all of those who have gone before us and resolve to carry on their work today and everyday into the future.”
Following the closing gatha, “Ondokusan,” words of appreciation was given by Dr. Scott Mitchell, IBS Dean.
A reception was held from 5:30 p.m. for guests and families.
Those honored at the service were: Mrs. Muraye Ando, Mr. Yoshio Ando, Dr. George Aratani, Rev. Dr. Jokai Asai, Mrs. Margaret Blair, Dr. Alfred Bloom, Dr. Roger Corless, Mr. Fusakihi Dairiki, Mrs. Hau Dairiki, Dr. Jane Dillenberger, Dr. John Dillenberger, Rev. John Doami, Dr. James Doi, Mrs. Marion Dumont, Mrs. Kazuko Eidmann, Rev. Phillip Karl Eidmann, Rev. Ryuichi Fujii, Mr. Yoshito Fujii, Rev. Hogen Fujimoto, Prof. Ryugyo Fujimoto, Mr. Tom Fujimoto, Mrs. Mary Fujimoto, Rev. Kakumin Fujinaga, Mr. Dick Fujioka, Mrs. Lily Fujioka, Rev. Dr. Ryosetsu Fujiwara, Dr. Luis Gomez, Rev. Russell Hamada, Rev. Dr. Shinsho Hanayama, Mr. Noboru Hanyu,. Mrs. Yaeko Hanyu, Rev. Masami Hayashi, Mr. Takeo Hirahara, Rev. Satoshi Hirata, Mrs. Kimi Hisatsune.
Rev. Ejitsi Hojo, Rev. Ryumei Iguchi, Mr. Tom Ikeda, Mrs. Jane Imamura, Rev. Kanmo Imamura, Rev, Jitsuen Kakehashi, Mr. Shintaro Ito, Mr. Hideo Kaneko, Mrs. Misao Kaneko, Mr. James Kanemoto, Mrs. Yasuko Kariya, Mr. Masashi Kawaguchi, Mrs. Mitsuko Kawaguchi, Rev. Dr. Leslie Kawamura, Mr. Albert Kosakura, Rev. Kenryo Kumata, Rev. Haruyoshi Kusada, Rev. Kenju Masuyama, Mrs. Shinobu Matsuura, Mr. Masami Mayeda, Dr. Jay McCullough, Rev. Kyogyo Miura, Rev. Kakue Miyaji, Rev. Dr. Mokusen Miyuki, Rev. Keisho Motoyama, Mr. Ryo Munekata, Rev. Toshio Murakami, Mrs. Mary Nagatomi, Rev. Dr. Masatoshi Nagatomi, Mr. Ed Nakagawa, Dr. Toshihide Numata, Rev. Dr. Yehan Numata, Mr. Tetsuo Ochi, Mr. Hayaji Oda, Mr. Sam Oda, Rev. Shobo Ohata.
His Eminence Kosho Ohtani, Rev. Shojo Oi, Rev. Dr. Ryoji Oka, Mrs. Edith Oto, Dr. Leo Pruden, Ms. Haruko Janet Sakamoto, Mr. Ben Sato, Rev. Dr. Takamaro Shigaraki, Bishop Enryo Shigefuji, Mr. Ralph Sugimoto Jr., Rev. Remy Snow, Dr. Kikuo Taira, Mrs. Toshie Takahashi, Mr. Wataru Takahashi, Mr. Katsumi Takashima, Mrs. Yoshiko Takashima, Rev. Yoshitaka Tamai, Rev. Shunsho Terakawa, Rev. Kyoshiro Tokunaga, Mr. Hitoshi Tsufura, Bishop Kenryu Tsuji, Mrs. Kiyoko Tsurusaki, Mr. Shigeru Tsurusaki, Rev. Dr. Yoshifumi Ueda, Mr. Glen Umeda, Rev. Dr. Taitetsu Unno, Mr. William Waki, Mr. Noboru Yamakoshi, Rev. Seishin Yamashita, Rev. Jim Yanagihara, Mr. Tom Yanagihara, Mr. Motomi Yokomizo, Mr. Eiichi Yoshida, Mrs. Miyoko Yuki, and Mr. Takeo Yuki.